
    秦张峰, 徐英年, 胡英. 气体溶解度的分子热力学——Ⅴ.气体在混合溶剂中的Henry常数[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 1989, (5).
    引用本文: 秦张峰, 徐英年, 胡英. 气体溶解度的分子热力学——Ⅴ.气体在混合溶剂中的Henry常数[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 1989, (5).


    • 摘要: 介绍一种能迅速和较准确地测得气体在纯溶剂或混合溶剂中溶解度及溶剂蒸气压的实验装置,并用此装置测量了293.15、298.15、303.15、308.15、313.15、318.15K下氢气在丙酮-甲基异丁基酮(MIBK)二元混合溶剂中的溶解度,结果与文献值基本一致。在胡英、徐英年等建立的气体溶解度分子热力学模型基础上,考虑了不同溶剂与溶质分子相互作用的差异,并引入局部密度概念,将其推广到混合溶剂系统。用它关联了Ar、H_2、N_2、O_2、N_2O、CO_2、C_2H_6等气体在非极性和极性混合溶剂(包括本实验的数据共46个系统)中的Henry常数,均取得了良好的结果。


      Abstract: An apparatus and corresponding experimental procedures for accurate and rapid determination of both vapor pressures of pure or mixed solvents and gas solubilities are presented. The solubility data of hydrogen in the binary mixed solvent, acetonemethyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK) and the vapor pressures of the solvents at 293.15, 298.15, 303.15, 308.15, 313.15, and 318.15 K are reported. Based on Hu and Xu's theory, a new method has been developed for the correlation of gas solubilities in the mixed solvents, where the difference between the interactions of the solute with different solvents is considered by introducing the concept of the local number density. The theory works well for the correlation of many literature data, 46 systems in all including Ar, H_2, O_2, N_2, N_2O, CO_2, C_2H_6, etc. in both nonpolar and polar mixed solvents, as well as the experimental data reported in this paper.


