
    林宝华, 沈本贤, 赵基钢. 超低硫加氢柴油润滑性能的预测模型[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, (4): 516-520.
    引用本文: 林宝华, 沈本贤, 赵基钢. 超低硫加氢柴油润滑性能的预测模型[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, (4): 516-520.


    • 摘要: 以高频往复试验机(HFRR)评价柴油润滑性能。在分析加氢精制、中压加氢改质和高压加氢裂化生产的低硫和超低硫柴油馏分理化性质的基础上,探讨了柴油的理化性质与润滑性能的关系;采用逐步线性回归的方法,建立了每克柴油中硫少于200 μg的加氢柴油润滑性能预测模型,预测值与实测值的相对误差在7%以内。从模型方程的系数来看,黏度高、氮含量高、而环烷烃含量低的超低硫加氢柴油的润滑性能相对要好。该预测模型能较好地预测超低硫柴油和加氢精制柴油的润滑性能。


      Abstract: The lubricity of diesel fuel was determined by using the highfrequency reciprocating rig (HFRR) test. Based on the physicochemical properties of the fractions of low sulfur and ultralow sulfur diesel fuels from hydrorefining, hydrogen under medium pressure and hydrocracking, the relationship between lubricity and properties of diesel fuels was analyzed. By using the stepwise regression method, the prediction model where the content of sulfur was below 200 μg per gram for the hydrogenation diesel fuel was established with a relative error within 7%. According to this model, the lubricity of ultralow sulfur diesel with high viscosity, high nitrogen content, and lowcyclanes is better. The model can well predict the lubricity of the ultralow sulfur diesel fuel and hydrofining diesel fuel.


