
    朱子彬, 唐黎华. 烟煤快速加氢热解研究——半焦,挥发分和焦油等生成行为的考察[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 1998, (1): 12-16.
    引用本文: 朱子彬, 唐黎华. 烟煤快速加氢热解研究——半焦,挥发分和焦油等生成行为的考察[J]. 华东理工大学学报(自然科学版), 1998, (1): 12-16.


    • 摘要: 烟煤快速加氢热解,除获取轻质烃和甲烷等气,液产品外,还得到半焦,焦油和水,半焦中残留挥发分。在氢气氛中快速热解生成半焦中的挥发分低于氮气氛,残留挥发分的多少是衡量快速热解反应程度的标志。加氢热解后生成半焦的堆密度仅为原煤的1/3.5,活性半焦直接加氢反应生成甲烷是引起半焦密度减小的主要原因之一。轻质烃产率与焦油生成量有关,焦油加氢二次反应是轻质烃生成的主要途径。氢气氛中热解生成的水多于氮气氛,气相


      Abstract: In addition to hydrocarbon liquid (HCL) and CH 4, flash pyrolysis of bituminous can also produce char, tar and water. There is residuary volatile (RV) in char. The RV in char produced in H 2 atmosphere is lower than in that produced in N 2 atmosphere. The RV content in char is a criterion of flash pyrolysis degree. The main reason of the fact that the density of char produced in H 2 is only 1/3.5 of that of coal is that active char reacts with H 2 to produce CH 4. The yield of HCL is related to yield of tar. The secondary hydrogenization of tar is the principal procedure to produce HCL. The pyrolysis water produced in H 2 atmosphere is more than that produced in N 2 atomosphere. The main procedure to produce water is hydrogen in gaseous phase to combine oxygen in coal.


